Gould & Fitzgerald

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© 2000

GrailWerk Quests


Who We Are

Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, have been a husband and wife team since 1977. In 1981 we were the first American journalists permitted to enter Afghanistan behind Soviet lines. We covered the war first for CBS News, produced a documentary for PBS. We returned in 1983 for ABC’s Nightline with Harvard’s "Getting to Yes" negotiations expert, Roger Fisher in the hopes of advancing the prospects for negotiating the Soviets out.

By 1987 we knew the time was not right foretelling the Afghan story. We started to develop reality based screenplays out of the accumulated materials and research. By the end of the 1980's, we had completed four. The EX-FILE* was one. Written in 1989, it was based on a real US government Black Project that used military personnel for mind-control experiments. As the new decade arrived, we began to experience a consciousness shift. Our geopolitical perspective became the key to discovery into the deeper motivations of the players behind the most important event of our time, the war in Afghanistan.

Ultimately we found a psychic link to a blood world of Norman Geraldine (Fitzgerald) holy warriors linked to the Crusades and the holy warriors of Afghanistan today.

We met Oliver Stone in 1992 to introduce him to The Voice, a research paper we developed after years of struggling to tell the unknown geopolitical story of our experience with Afghanistan. With Stone’s encouragement and through his power of dreams we brought our mythic dream world into waking reality.

The story eventually became the holographic door through which the geopolitics of Afghanistan in the current era walked to meet the spiritual ground of its existence; a world with rules of its own, playing out in our time. It reveals the mystical struggle for the future that underlies and drives our consciousness and goes right to the heart of understanding the true destiny of the Western Dream.

Our story will take you back to the birth of the ancient Grail quest 5500 hundred years ago, what that means for the restoration of the Grail through electronics today and why this will restore the Grail for eternity.

A story based on our dreams and visions, The Voice is our answer to the question, what is the meaning of life?

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